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It might sound like a contradiction – surely a review site will be mainly about the negative side of things, naming and shaming agents with only some standing to benefit?

Well actually, here at MeetMyAgent it’s not.

You have the control

Only agents who agree to list will be shown on our site. Participation is key as without it an agent’s reviews can be unrepresentative and biased towards the negative: unfortunately, while consumers are motivated to find a forum if things go wrong, they must be encouraged to use one when things go right.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you will never receive a negative review – we are an independent platform after all – but the type of agent that will list would expect only a small percentage of these. Plus if the site really doesn’t work for you, you can come off it with no lasting effects.

Educating consumers about the industry

The industry has come a long way in terms of regulating itself and eradicating practices that gained it its reputation. However, consumers must be educated about the work of the regulatory bodies as well as the role of an agent in order for this reputation to change.

MeetMyAgent does this through advice blogs provided by us and leading industry suppliers, and our commitment to education is shown through our role as an official supporting organisation of SAFE Agent Awareness Week.

And just in case you are wondering why a consumer would pay attention to us, we have built ourselves into being a credible source of consumer information and are regularly featured as industry experts in national press and property blogs – see our press clippings at www.meetmyagent.co.uk/pressroom.

Helping agents improve their businesses

While customer feedback is the single-most important driver of progress and improvement, one must implement new and effective processes in order to achieve this.

Training, technology and innovation are all required, and MeetMyAgent provides access to special discounts on related services and exclusive training. Registration for our legal seminar by NLA-accredited solicitors Seddons is now open – register your interest here (free for members, £35+VAT for non-members).

Plus we will soon provide commission-earning opportunities on referrals for mortgages and other financial products, aimed at helping smaller agents diversify their income streams without the red-tape hassle.

Promoting great agents

Being a voluntary site means that we provide sellers and landlords with a list consisting only of customer-focused agents serving their area.

Improving the perception of the industry and helping great agents win business is one of the founding principles of MeetMyAgent, and helping consumers use quality agents and have good experiences is the only way for this to happen.

That is the concept behind MeetMyAgent – previous clients telling potential clients to ‘meet’ their agent via user reviews, amplifying word-of-mouth recommendation to the web and improving overall consumer experience.

To find out more or to register and for one of our team will be in touch, fill out the short form at

Introductory offer - £50+VAT for 3 months, thereafter subscriptions cost £25+VAT per month per branch with discounts on 6 and 12 month packages.


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