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Graham Awards


Merry Christmas from LAT - and here's a card to remember...

So here it is … a very Merry Christmas from Letting Agent Today and Angels Media, with our very best wishes to all agents and their families for a peaceful and relaxing time.

In line with the rest of the industry, this is our last working day until LAT (and sister publication Estate Agent Today) both hit your inboxes again on Thursday December 28. And of course, if there are big stories breaking over the holidays, we will Newsflash them to you.

We’d love to send every reader their own Christmas card but we couldn't do better than reproduce one from a letting agency in London, STANLEY Chelsea.


The firm made the news back in the summer of 2016 when it announced it had dropped all fees levied on tenants.

There are plenty of other political figures to spot too - Jeremy Corbyn exiting stage right (not left - for this once, anyway) in what looks like retro Soviet gear, with a hapless Theresa May striding a just-about-United Kingdom as it battles with its European neighbours.

No one can fault STANLEY Chelsea’s political timing with this - although the card must have been prepared some time ago, it appears to have no sign of Damian Green on board. Did they know something in advance?

Merry Christmas!


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