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Longer tenancies proposals to be unveiled by government tomorrow

Leaks from government sources to at least two mainstream news outlets today suggest that radical proposals on longer tenancies and possible new eviction processes in the private rental sector are to be unveiled tomorrow.

The BBC reports that a minimum tenancy term of three years would be introduced in England with some types of renter - students, for example - exempted. 

It is understood that the government will say some 80 per cent of tenants currently have contracts of six or 12 months - and that many want longer tenancies. 


The BBC says a government announcement tomorrow will herald the start of an official consultation period to run until August 26.

Communities Secretary James Brokenshire is quoted as saying: "It is deeply unfair when renters are forced to uproot their lives or find new schools for their children at short notice due to the terms of their rental contract. Being able to call your rental property your home is vital to putting down roots and building stronger communities."

Meanwhile another government leak, this time to the Mail on Sunday, says there may also be new proposals over evictions.

Again, Brokenshire is quoted: “It is deeply unfair when renters are forced to uproot their lives or find new schools for their children at short notice due to the terms of their rental contract. Being able to call your rental property your home is vital to putting down roots and building stronger communities. That's why I am determined to act.”

The Mail says: “Under the proposed reforms, tenants would be able to leave before the end of the minimum term but would have greater protection if they wanted to stay for an extended period.”

  • icon

    That is great if the goverment protects the income of the landlord too incase the tenant doesnt pay the rent. Tighter controls are needed on that. As well as easier, quicker evictions processing then i supose it would be good

  • icon

    The eviction costs should be put on to the tenant once evicted, this should deter any bad tenants to go bad as they would have to pay for it tenant. Ofcourse it would be on case bases

  • James B

    Tenants will be allowed to walk away during the contract, one sided arrangement no doubt and a new tenancy agreement in favour of the tenant will come along with this.

    Government are not interested that this will further reduce supply with landlords who can’t rent for min 3 years, will be yet another policy which reduces supply and pushes rents up.
    Simply another effort to try win tenant votes but again makes tenants suffer more

  • Neil Moores

    Unless mortgage lenders change their own lending rules this will make over 90% of mortgaged rental property un-rentable.

  • icon

    clueless clown government again,what a bunch of morons!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Robert Ulph

    There will also need to be a mortgage review as most mortgage companies only allow a six or year tenancy.

  • icon

    I offer 2 year tenancies to established tenants, only 1 has taken me up on it and this year she declined it and asked for a yearly one again


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