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Deposit disputes could drop through new tool, claims review site

A controversial review website which says it identifies “good (and bad) letting agents” has introduced tools aiming to reduce disputes at tenancy check-outs.

Marks Out Of Tenancy - set up in 2016 and which says it lists 20,000 letting agents from across the UK - says the new suite of tools allow tenants to keep all tenancy-related images and documents in one place.

It says tenants can safely and securely upload images of their rented accommodation when they move in. 


The system records and shows the exact dates and times the images were taken and if the user has the ‘Save Location’ feature enabled on their mobile when they take the images, the system will save the exact location the picture was taken.

There’s also Document Storage for all their tenancy related documents such as tenancy agreement, EPC, gas safety certificates, and letters from agents or landlords. 

In the coming weeks the site will be adding Contacts, Notes, a Notice Letter Generator, the ‘How To Be A Good Tenant’ guide and other features.

"By helping tenants keep all their information in one place Marks Out Of Tenancy aims to reduce the number of end-of-tenancy disputes, saving tenants, landlords, letting agencies and deposit schemes precious time and money. Similar services exist for landlords and letting agents, now tenants can feel empowered and in control of their tenancies” claims the review website chief executive Ben Yarrow.

  • Paul Smithson

    I wonder how this works on the data protection angle ?

  • S l
    • S l
    • 02 May 2019 10:40 AM

    I seem to remember that dates on phone and laptop can be change. so how is that suppose to protect tenant let alone landlord. The contract consist of 2 parties, not 1. Hence, any platform being introduce should be impartial. They seem to forget the check in Inventories done by impartial clerks who are paid by landlords to cover these kind of situations. If the TDS and my deposit blatantly ignored the evidence in front of them, how is that to reduce deposit disputes? They seem to fail to take into account rogue tenants who are always on the lookout for getting freebie rental accomodations and tds and mydeposits certainly helped them on the way.


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