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Sub-letting tenants caught on camera and to be on TV tonight

More nightmare tenants have been the subject of investigation in a Channel 5 TV programme to be shown this evening.

In the first case to be featured on this week’s edition of Nightmare Tenants Slum Landlords, young landlord Han Yip discovers his West London flat is being illegally sub-let to three unsuspecting students. 

They have been paying thousands of pounds to live in an exclusive part of London, but their rent is being pocketed by the man who posed as the legitimate tenant. 


Flaunting his high-flying life on Instagram and showing off about his ‘property business empire’, he is in fact a scam artist who has spent time in a US prison on fraud charges.

Calling on the help of eviction specialist Landlord Action - the company that is the centre of the programme - Yip is determined to expose the rogue tenant and reclaim his debts. 

“Han Yip was very unlucky. He had done everything correctly, from using a professional letting agent to carrying out thorough referencing. Unfortunately, this particular fraudster had changed the spelling of his name among other tricks to slip through referencing. Illegal sub-letting is becoming something of an epidemic in London and more needs to be done to prevent cases like these” says Paul Shamplina, founder of Landlord Action.

In the second case to be featured this evening, the company is called upon to help end an unusual family disagreement.  

Three years ago, Sade Ademoye took pity on her cousin Kirk, who was in dire straits after his divorce. Agreeing to temporarily let a room to him in her elderly mother’s home, Sade also gave him a cheap rate. 

But after her mother passed away, he refused to leave. With this family feud turning acrimonious, Sade calls in the eviction specialists.

“This tenant took advantage of his cousin’s late mother and took over the property, even though the agreement was only to rent a room. He then refused to leave” explains Shamplina. 

“These stories, and others throughout the series, demonstrate the diversity of cases that we have to deal with and the reasons landlords look to gain possession.  It is rarely non-fault but often landlords feel powerless and turn to eviction as an absolute last resort.”

The programme is aired this evening at 9pm on Channel 5.

  • icon

    Is Jeremy Corbyn or Shelter going to appear on the program telling us the tenants have had a bad deal? Oh! That would be a 'NO' then.

  • icon

    They have been paying thousands of pounds to live in an exclusive part of London, but their rent is being pocketed by the man who posed as the legitimate tenant.

    I think the last word of the paragraph should read landlord and not tenant.

    Graham Norwood needs to get a grip on his reporting style by reading before hitting the publish key.

  • icon
    • 18 June 2019 11:31 AM

    Of course it is only because of ignorant tenants that scammers are able to practice their art.
    As far as I know there is no official checklist that the owner is the LL.
    If I was ever asked I would happily show the tenant my conveyancing title. Or for the tenant I decided on I would give them a printout of the latest LR record for the rental property.
    Tenants don't really know what is going on resulting in them being ripped off by scammers.
    You could tell they were genuine innocent tenants when they asked and were willing to vacate that day!!!

    S l
    • S l
    • 18 June 2019 12:42 PM

    I doubt they are willing to vacate when asked after they had paid the rent. I had 2 tenants who rented out our property despite being home on weekend as they know landlord works away and live downstairs leaving upstairs empty. So long as they are quiet, landlord wont think twice of checking as he is away most of the time and only home once or twice a month. In fact, when ask to leave, they objected and landlord had to tell them if they want to stay have to pay rent to him and its not his problem his lodger cheated them. in fact, they treated the landlord with suspicion as the lodger is from same country and same uni as them. How crazy is that

  • Suzy OShea

    S I

    And that was in a situation where the LL was officially living on the premised. Did he get rid of them after the three week notice period for lodgers?

    S l
    • S l
    • 18 June 2019 14:35 PM

    no they paid in advance a whole year as foreign students. one left anyway and another decided to pay landlord and tried to claim back money from his uni mate. The other person wasnt officially his lodger as his lodger was paid for it and not him, so do not need any notice.


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