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Police want landlords to share information about tenants

Police in South Shields have called for the sharing of information about tenants in HMOs - and a council is considering asking landlords to sign up to formal agreements to do so.

Local media say the council has in recent months discussed social problems relating to some tenants in HMOs in the area, and now local police have entered the debate.

PC Jo Pepper, a neighbourhood officer, told a council meeting of the usefulness of sharing info on tenants.


“It also benefits HMO owners because we're not knocking on their door looking for someone who left last week. We want to share information with owners and have a good relationship with them” she said.

And she continued: “I would like to know what convictions they have got and where they're living so I know that if I need to safeguard people around them I can."

The council is now considering osking buy to let investors - and presumably agents acting for them - to sign Information Sharing Agreements.

They would be applied on a case by case basis, subject to a legal process, and are not mandatory, the meeting heard.

Pepper added there was "red tape" around private HMOs in finding out how many people were living there.

"I have some landlords who are great and very proactive and want our help and I have others who say I can't come in without a warrant” she told the meeting.

The council is expected to make a decision on the issue in the next three months.

You can read a local newspaper report on the subject here.

  • Paul Smithson

    Really LA and LL are now to become the plod now, who knows next thing will be medical training for health, just off to do a fire risk assessment!

  • S l
    • S l
    • 29 August 2019 07:57 AM

    Also LL in PRS will be subject to strict scrutiny and treated with suspicions. Nobody likes anyone who lives in effluent area or own more than one house. I have the local council charging me 150% on property i moved into because they found out i am a LL and causing a lot of hassle and harrassment to me and family. When the police found out, it doesnt bode well for us either and we had to move. This is really not on targetting on us hardworking landlord with the power they have just because we own more than one property under the pretext of betterment of doing their jobs.


    Whoops there is a HUGE error in line 2 of this post, effluent is perhaps not the right word here but please try AFFLUENT.
    You have been doing much better of late but this one did make me smile.

  • jeremy clarke

    Here's an idea, make it a criminal offence if tenants do not pay rent or cause damage to a landlord's property and we might consider cooperation.

  • icon
    • 29 August 2019 08:21 AM

    When now evicted tenants who were stealing items of mine I was advised that I would be arrested if I gained entry to prove items had been stolen.
    There was also evidenced drug use.
    Again police weren't interested.
    They will receive no assistance from me!

  • icon

    How about The Police share information with Landlords too?

    Mmmm….Thought not.


    Usually get more info from neighbours or other tenants than police! Shocking that in shared houses police often won't even reveal to the house owner (landlord) reasons for their "raid" or "attendance" nor "who" they arrested.

  • Angus Shield

    GDPR springs to mind here and a vengeful tenant may gain sympathy here!

    We, as Letting Agents, learn a lot from our regular contractors after their visits. Our formal visits usually spirit away forbidden pets, ashtrays, sharers evidence, oh the list goes on............!

    Paul Smithson

    Count the toothbrushes

  • icon

    Landlords want the police to investigate wilful damage or theft of landlord’s good as criminal not ‘civil’! Are they in their right bloody minds?

    S l
    • S l
    • 25 April 2020 11:18 AM

    For your information, wilful damages and theft are criminal case . Its been in the law for centuries and rightly so.

  • S l
    • S l
    • 24 April 2020 12:28 PM

    Thank you Paul, aim to please. After all it is constructive comments


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