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Labour council defies government advice and attacks “dodgy operators”

Government advice to local authorities to sit tight with new licensing proposals during the Coronavirus pandemic appears to have been ignored by the Labour-controlled Islington council.

The authority has confirmed that it’s introducing two new schemes following formal consultation processes last summer and autumn.

“We will not tolerate dodgy operators taking advantage of people’s desperate need for a home. Licensing schemes are powerful tools to help us protect private renters, as they enable the council to use data to identify properties with poor conditions and take appropriate enforcement action” says a council spokesman.


“The council can and does act to protect private renters and we’ve taken significant enforcement action against rogue landlords and dodgy lettings agents recently” he continues.

“Schemes like this also help the council to ensure that conscientious landlords are rewarded. There are a great many responsible landlords in the borough and schemes like this help to level the playing field.”

The first scheme is a borough-wide scheme licensing HMOs. 

The council claims that HMOs have some of Islington’s poorest housing standards, with many conversions having inadequate fire safety measures. A pilot HMO licensing scheme in parts of the borough has been in place since 2015 and - according to a council statement - has led to an improvement in the management of properties.

The second scheme is a selective licensing scheme for Finsbury Park ward, building on the borough-wide HMO licensing scheme. Finsbury Park ward has the poorest housing conditions in private rented property in the borough. 

The council claims that the licensing schemes will allow it “to set minimum standards for property management, including the provision of kitchen and bathroom facilities, room sizes, health and safety (e.g. fire, gas and electrical safety checks) and kept to an appropriate standard.”

  • icon

    Anybody at all surprised?

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    • 27 May 2020 08:48 AM

    Don't worry savvy London LL will start selling off and investing in houses in cheaper coastal areas.
    WFH is the new mantra.
    No need to reside in expensive city areas for work purposes anymore.

    Time for a mass LL exodus from London in particular.
    Central London will become even more diverse as 'white flight' massively increases.

    There will be a massive boost to local communities outside cities and towns.
    This CV19 crisis will transform the PRS and housing market in general.

    All those commuter towns will benefit hugely from former commuters remaining at home.

    Those WFH will want to get out of the house during their working day.
    A stroll down to the local high st to a little bistro etc.
    Gonna be very interesting times for the PRS.
    Many companies have seen the light and will not wish to return to the former status quo.

  • Richard Tacagni MCIEH

    Whilst I'm sure not intentional, the decision by Islington Council has been misreported. Yes, they have approved in principle two new property licensing schemes. But, they have listened to concerns raised by government and the lettings industry and agreed to delay scheme implementation due to COVID19. Credit where it's due, they have not ignored government advice.

    PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    In general then Richard, I take it you support Licensing ?


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