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Industry-first as PropTech platform signs race equality statement

In what is claimed to be an industry first, PropTech platform Goodlord has signed the Race Fairness Commitment.

This commits Goodlord to following data-driven measures to combat the career obstacles faced by Black, Asian and ethnic minority colleagues, as defined by diversity recruitment consultancy Rare.

This would include acting on the basis of quantitative data and monitoring about employee ‘work journey’s from initial recruitment to senior promotion, in order to identify the points at which Black, Asian and ethnic minority team members hit obstacles.


Rare is making the RFC’s methodology available free to any employer; it has already been adopted extensively in the legal profession.

Now Goodlord wants other property companies to follow its lead and chief executive William Reeve says: “It’s a privilege to sign this charter and be the first property sector business to do so. We must all do more to tackle inequality through tangible action. How we recruit our teams and how we treat them in the workplace are two areas where more must be done.       

“Goodlord isn’t perfect. But we are committed to practising what we preach and doing everything in our power to move things in a positive direction. We believe embracing the Race Fairness Commitment is a key step in this journey.”

Goodlord’s chief technical officer Donovan Frew adds: “As a black person in leadership positions at both Goodlord and Rare, signing this charter means a lot to me personally. For too long people have been held back from maximising their potential solely based on the colour of their skin. This is as ridiculous as it is pernicious.”


  • icon
    • 08 July 2020 07:49 AM

    It is MY house.
    I, and I ONLY, decide who lives in my property.
    Full Stop.

  • icon
    • 08 July 2020 07:49 AM

    In the same vein, I would never just allow anyone to drive my car if I did not know who they are?
    Would you?

  • Mark Wilson

    What on earth are you saying Mr Crisp?

  • icon
    • 08 July 2020 10:14 AM

    I am saying that I need to personally meet these people before I agree to anyone who would like to rent one of my properties.

    I will then make a judgemental call as to whether I believe they are suitable and that I believe will be trustworthy and responsible enough. Just like a job interview.

    Mark - Do you need more?

  • Mark Wilson

    Yes Mr Crisp, I do think you need to explain yourself further. I am sure any one reading your post will be of the same mind set as me.

    I think you need to explain how your post relates to the article. I now wonder who are 'these people' you refer to?


    'These people' are obviously prospective tenants, only a racist would see something else in that. It's even more important with regressive government legislation attacking the rental sector to know who your tenants are and what you feel about them, you may well get stuck with someone very disagreeable who is almost impossible to evict.

  • Mark Wilson

    And how did you think it is relevant to the article?

  • Mark Wilson

    Don't rise to it? What on earth are you talking about, what on earth does that mean? Are you endorsing the narrative? Mr Crisp is lost for words for obvious reasons.

    I have often find posts on this site to be of a certain type, but this is totally unacceptable.

  • icon

    No, Mr Crisp is just bored as are the rest of us with your incessant, petty anti landlord ravings, if you want to polish your virtue go and post on the Guardian or Socialist Worker where they will welcome you and your anti democratic, regressive ideas with open arms.

  • Mark Wilson

    Richard, I am quite happy to be in the minority when this site is concerned.

    Don't you think Mr Crisp is accountable for the words he puts down. Can you explain what was meant my his first posting?


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