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Labour says latest eviction ban extension isn’t enough

Labour says the latest extension to the ban on bailiff-enforced evictions doesn’t go far enough to help tenants.

The extension to the ban was announced yesterday, a week before the previous deadline was due to expire.

Shadow housing secretary Thangam Debbonaire says: "Last minute decisions and half-measures from the government are putting people's homes at risk.


”Ministers promised nobody would lose their home because of coronavirus, but the current ban isn't working.

"The government should give people security in their homes, by strengthening and extending the ban for the period restrictions are in place."

A similar call has come from pressure group Generation Rent, whose director Baroness Alicia Kennedy says: “It is right that the eviction ban is being renewed while the country remains in lockdown. It would be dangerous to allow people to be made homeless when everyone else is being told to stay at home.

“But courts are still approving eviction claims where the landlord doesn’t need a reason, despite the government’s promise to prioritise only ‘the most egregious cases’. 

“That means a cliff edge for renters who are facing eviction because their landlord is selling up or whose reduced income doesn’t cover the rent.

“We need a Covid Rent Debt Fund to clear the debts of renters whose incomes have been hit by the lockdown, but the government must also suspend ‘no fault’ Section 21 evictions so blameless renters don’t lose their homes as a result of the pandemic.”

National Residential Landlords Association chief executive Ben Beadle warns that the government is merely delaying the inevitable. 



The NRLA says 800,000 private renters have built up arrears since the first ban came into force back in the spring.

"It will lead eventually to them having to leave their home and face serious damage to their credit scores" says Beadle. He also wants financial support from government to combat what he calls "the debt crisis renters and landlords are now facing”.

Under the extended ban bailiffs are still prevented from evicting tenants whose landlords have secured possession orders with the exception of cases of extreme rent arrears, trespass, anti-social behaviour and victims of domestic violence.

  • icon

    I couldn't agree more. Someone I know lives next to a family that moved into a property and hasn't paid a day's rent since. Currently they owe something like a year's rent and still haven't been removed due to the lockdown. Its about time that government and various "caring" organisations woke up to the fact that the people who they think they stand up for are causing landlords to move out of the business of investing in property. Then there will be a real shortage of accommodation.

    Madeleine  Astor

    Yes it makes me mad that people are just taking advantage of the situation and not paying rent and I too know people that are not paying 1 lad that works and lives above my boyfriend and a couple on benefits round back of him that have just been blagging since moving in and owing deposit ( I call them Choosing Beggars as always on the blag !) I am on benefits and housing benefit too and these people give people like me a bad name. I have always paid my rent that I have it go direct to landlord now agency that have taken over and top up is standing order every month and kept myself to myself and my dog living at the same address over 7 years but I have a section 21 as my landlord can now get like another £200 a month for the 2 bed flat and it needs work doing to it but looking landlords don’t want to rent to people on benefits because of people like this plus I have a dog that is another problem although she is house trained and doesn’t chew and sleeps on my bed most of the time as is 10 & 1/2 so with all of this it’s going to be hard although they keep saying that landlords now can’t discriminate against people on benefits and people with pets again as some owners just leave doggy doo doo in the gardens, round the property and let them damage the place as they don’t care and probably owe rent too !?

  • icon
    • 15 February 2021 10:35 AM

    Typical useless and incompetent labour politicians. Those nobel prize morons always protecting those lazy chavy parasites.


    The culture of envy and politics of failure. Why do we hate successful people in this country? A Labour Councillor once berated me as a capitalist. We grew up on the same council estate and used to rent her mom's caravan every year (cash in hand).
    The hypocrisy escaped her.

  • icon

    Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they.

  • James B

    In the frantic chase for tenant votes he who bashes the landlords the hardest wins and keeps their jobs they think anyway


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