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Graham Awards


Agency opens branch with £10,000 grant from local council

A new Lancashire estate agency, Jusa Homes, has opened new premises thanks to a £10,000 local council grant. 

Julie Hardy and Sarah Temmen set up Jusa Homes at the end of last year and received £10,000 as part of the ARG Vacant Premises Grant available from Fylde council which is available for businesses locating to, or expanding into, vacant town centre premises.

Temmen says: “The ARG grant has enabled us to open on the high street and introduce the letting side of the business – it was a very welcome cash injection.


“We feel that our clients deserve face-to-face interaction and a friendly personal service, and although we have a great online offering, we’re not just behind a phone or computer. That’s why we always wanted a presence on the high street.”

The business partners chose the town of Kirkham as their location after being inspired by the exciting regeneration plans for the town.


Hardy added: “The local community has welcomed us with open arms. Everyone has helped and been so supportive that we wanted to give something back, so we have become involved with the Kickstart scheme, which is a training scheme to help young people into employment.”

Councillor Richard Redcliffe, chair of the town centre working group, adds:“It’s a prime example of what the support is there for – to give businesses a boost and help create bustling local high streets.”

  • icon

    ..........this is exactly why socialism always fails.............placing resources where they would not be under normal market conditions....................


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