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Benefits of scrapping S21 outweigh problems, insists Shelter

The chief executive of Shelter says the experience of Scotland shows that the scrapping of S21 eviction powers produces benefits that far outweigh disadvantages.

Polly Neate, speaking on BBC Radio 4, says that Scotland effectively scrapped its equivalent of Section 21 almost four years ago. 

“We’ve done a lot of research on the scrapping of S21 in Scotland and the benefits for renters have been huge and the problems that could have been predicted … simply haven’t arisen” she told listeners to the You and Yours programme.


She said a similar pledge to scrap S21 in England, made by the government two years ago and likely to feature in an imminent White Paper on rental reform, would be beneficial to the most vulnerable tenants facing issues such as the end of furlough, fuel price increases and the £20 cut to Universal Credit.

“This is a perfect storm for renters … and it’s brilliant the government is doing this’d we really need this to happen as soon as possible” she continued. 

Neate went on to say that while tenants can theoretically report poor landlords to local councils, but “they fear this will make things worse”. She also said both councils and the police required assistance in identifying letting agents and landlords who broke the law.



The Shelter chief executive also used the opportunity to warn the government not to use the rental reform legislation expected shortly to replace Section 21 with a mere “tick box” allowing agents and landlords to suggest tenants were behaving anti-socially.

You can hear the programme here - the rental discussion, which also involves Chris Norris of the National Residential Landlords Association, begins around 11 minutes 40 seconds in.

  • Roger  Mellie

    NEWSFLASH: Aida, the former student nurse who couldn't keep her legs shut, has 4 kids and has lived in her one-bedroom flat for 16 years, is still Shelters poster girl for donating £30 for. Do you remember? She has a mould and rat problem, and no space to swing a cat. Her 'never-ending nightmare' could have been avoided by not having 4 kids by 4 different dads, but she's our problem now.


    Her sons don’t have enough room to play, and her daughter has just completed sixth form but doesn’t have any space of her own. The flat also has a mould problem and a rat infestation.

    Aida has done everything in her power to get a bigger and safer flat. But due to a lack of social homes families like hers can’t be rehoused.

    She describes their situation as an ‘unending kind of nightmare’.



    Theodor Cable

    And so what?
    It's her fault.

  • icon

    I am certain she does know its nonsense.I am sure she has lots of middlle class freinds who tell her the gory details. But spouting communist claptrap is a very good living for her and many others like her. Especially the BBC, which never stops biting the hand that feeds it.

  • icon

    Shelter the charity (Business) that houses no one. In fact reducing housing. How many get fed up with this drivel and sell up reducing the rental stocks?

  • icon

    Prolly Bleat is off again. There is no £20 cut in Universal Credit any more than there is a cut in furlough payments. Both have just returned to pre-pandemic levels. She know this, but her misinformation suits her cause.

    Roger  Mellie

    I've also discovered that Polly Neate is an anagram of Antelope less the letter 'y'. Which is really the main question here Polly Neate? Why?

    • D G
    • 02 October 2021 11:43 AM

    Hi Roger
    It's also "Play on Tele"

  • icon

    @ Roger Mellie Google her pictures. She looks manic in every one.

  • icon

    Well they would say that, wouldn't they!

    Benefits for the tenants...sod the problems/impossibilities/stalemates the landlords might encounter (not to mention the knock-on & long-term consequence on the industry this will undoubtedly have)!


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