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Propertymark chiefs jet to Florida to “reaffirm links” with US realtors

ARLA Propertymark President David Votta and Propertymark chief executive Nathan Emerson are amongst a group of trade body figures who have been to Florida for a conference this week.

They say attendance at the National Association of Realtors conference in Orlando - attended by 10,000 US agents - was to “reaffirm the long-standing relationship between the professional bodies and feed into the progression of member-focused projects, currently under development.”

A Propertymark statement says the trip to the so-called Sunshine State allowed the leaders “to broker new relationships with Norwegian, Irish, Dutch, Mexican, French, Nigerian and Spanish delegations, as well as clarifying the position of the UK membership association as strategically important on the international stage.”


During the four-day conference, the Propertymark team also saw new artificial intelligence developments affecting the housing market, and visited new models of ‘facility-rich community housing’; they also took part in a global business council forum, along with sessions on sustainability, leadership and the US model of qualifications.

Out of sessions Nathan Emerson met with the incoming President of NAR Kenny Parcell, broker-owner of Equity Real Estate Utah. 

Emerson comments: “A lot of new and emerging technology is originating in the US. The conference was outstanding for investment opportunities, business transformation and identifying new income streams. Commercial and economic content was particularly interesting, analysing emerging trends and the likely global impact of changes in US housing markets.”

  • icon

    Pigs and troughs. Haven't they heard of the internet ! Although ideal time for a winter's break in the sum, all expenses paid !

  • icon

    Sounds like a nice jolly for them. Hardly very green though.

  • jeremy clarke

    Thank goodness that I no longer fund this gravy train! How insensitive can they be whilst all are struggling, they pack their suitcases and jolly off to Florida?
    The final paragraph A lot of new and emerging technology is originating in the US, says it all, this should have been a remote meeting, apart from anything else, I'm guessing that thousands of delegates did not walk to the USA to protect the planet which, unless I'm mistaken was something spouted recently by the same organisation?!


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