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Tenants warned about high cost of bills-inclusive rental deals

London lettings platform Rentd says a property rented with bills included may be convenient but it will also be expensive.

Rentd says this arrangement will cost the average tenant hundreds of pounds more per year. 

Rentd analysed current market stock available for rent across the capital which shows the cost of renting a property without bills included is on average £1,724 per month. 


In contrast, rental properties including bills averaged £2,023 per month - 17 per cent more. 



Founder and chief executive of Rentd, Ahmed Gamal, comments: “A rental property that offers the convenience of covering household bills within one monthly rental payment has long been a draw for many tenants. It can remove the headache of handling bills, removing the need to organise and manage multiple direct debits, split costs between housemates and adjust for any changes on an ongoing basis. 

“However, with the capital already home to the highest cost of renting in the UK, the increasing cost of living will no doubt be on the mind of many London tenants. 

“Those who are already particularly hard pressed may find that they can cut their household outgoings by quite a substantial sum, simply by spending time and effort taking care of household bills themselves.”

  • Mark Wilson

    Now this is no surprise!


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