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Mould and Damp: Agents should act now, says Propertymark

Propertymark has used its website and link with a property inspection service to urge letting agents to work with private tenants on issues of mould and damp.

The government is currently consulting on the implementation of Awaab’s Law, which was passed in response to the death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in December 2020 from exposure to serious mould in his parents’ social rented home. This law imposes stringent conditions on social landlords to investigate hazards within 14 days, start repair work within seven days, and make emergency repairs within 24 hours.

However, Labour has committed to extend this law to the private rental sector too, if the party wins this year’s General Election.


Now a statement on the Propertymark website from KPR, Keystone Property Report, says: “Agents and landlords in the private rented sector shouldn’t just wait for laws to be passed … It is widely publicised that agents and property owners are frequently criticised and penalised for mould and damp issues, however, the reality is less straightforward.

“The agent, property owner and tenant should work together to keep air moisture in the property under control, avoid possible structural damage, or identify a plumbing or drainage issue. Agents can help tenants by providing information so they can stay on top of any issues and take simple actions to improve airflow and wipe away condensation and outline responsibilities for each party.”

KPR also warns that landlords need to be aware, saying: “A property owner is responsible for maintaining the fabric of the property, including heating and ventilation systems, roofs, walls, and pipework. They must also treat and rectify any dampness in the property to reduce moisture build-up.”

Although the government says Awaab’s law will not be extended to the private sector, Labour’s shadow housing secretary Angela Rayner says her party will do so should it form the next government. 

She says: “There is no justification for letting private landlords off the hook for resolving mould and damp issues in their properties. The private rented sector has widespread problems with damp, mould and cold, driven by the poor energy efficiency of privately rented homes. It is a no-brainer to extend Awaab’s Law to the private rented sector and that is exactly what Labour will do."

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    I'm a chartered surveyor and landlord and I've installed the basic Nuaire Drimaster Heat Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) units into my commercial and domestic rental units. They cost a few hundred pounds and my handyman installs them into the ceiling of hallways. Nuaire produce units that hang in a ventilated loft space and also slimline units for flats. The units work brilliantly. Simple and common sense. Social registered landlords have installed 100,000s of PIV units in houses and flats across the UK over the last few years. It's about time the PRS catches up.

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    Why is Gibbo allowed to advertise products on here?


    Can you show a little respect, Haribo. I'm providing a recommendation based on actual experience of using PIV mechanical ventilation in multiple rental units. I have no financial involvement with Nuaire, whatsoever.

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    Mr gibbons , l am an electrical and instrumentation engineer and have spent a lifetime in the energy industry. l have pointed out before that these devices run 24 x 7 and although they seem to not use a lot of electricity, it is a lot, because of the running time. Further gb news has pointed out that bad payers will be subsidised by us good payers, 5 million in arrears l believe. Further energy suppliers can levy a charge to recapitalise their businessess. This could have startling ramifications since EDF has a lot of knackered power stations in France.

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    If the Government truly wants to tackle the damp and condensation problem then they should have a dedicated department that oversees an inspection and recommendations for each property, they should draw up an absolute outline of works to be implemented with a list of approved contractors that they have vetted. Once these works are done and paid for by the landlord then ANY further problems should be dealt with by the Government and their approved contractors. This includes liaising with tenants and any law suit that may follow. I say that this is the best way forward because damp and condensation are far too subjective and tenant lifestyle will count hugely. If a landlord knows that they have to pay say £2,000 and then they have a 5-year ticket then at least they know where they are. Let the landlord be bullet proof for 5 years and if the landlord knows the cost and thinks its too high then they can sell up.

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    I have a professional and educated tenant who complained about mould in his bedroom. Property has been mould free for over fifteen years despite couples living in it. I sent the usual “How to treat mould and ventilate” information. I also explained that since the patio doors to the balcony had been upgraded, moisture had nowhere to go unless he ventilated the flat.

    I contacted him a few weeks later to see how things were and he thanked me for the advice since everything was now mould free. No need to fit a Gibbo machine since the problem was simple lack of ventilation.

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    You mean gobbo


    Gobbo, I LOVE it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • icon

    Gobbo only sings one tune - its the 'Bash PRS Tune'


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