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One in nine renters using foodbanks - industry supplier’s claim

A lettings industry supplier claims one in nine renters use foodbanks.

A survey of tenants, commissioned by Zero Deposit, found that just nine per cent would describe themselves as financially comfortable. 

Some 46 per cent describe their current position within the rental market as having to make ends meet, with next to no disposable income once their outgoings were accounted for. 


A further 12 per cent are either financially unstable - having to borrow to cover the cost of their outgoings - or in serious financial trouble and unable to cover these costs. 

When asked what the key reason was with respect to their financial insecurity, the continued high cost of living ranked top, with the cost of their core outgoings such as rent and bills also ranking as one of the biggest factors, followed by overdraft and other borrowing fees. 

And 34 per cent stated that higher interest rates had contributed to an increase in their monthly outgoings, with 58 per cent having also seen the cost of their monthly rent increase in the last year. 

As a result, 18 per cent have had to dip into their overdraft in order to cover the cost of their outgoings over the last year, with a further 11 per cent also having to extend their overdraft in order to get by. 

One in nine also apparently stated that they have had to rely on additional support such as foodbanks.  

Sam Reynolds, chief executive of Zero Deposit, says: “While much has been made about the obstacle of accumulating a mortgage deposit and the increased cost of monthly mortgage repayments following a spike in interest rates, the nation’s renters are facing a far more desperate situation in the current climate. 

“Rent as a proportion of total salary are as high as 53 per cent in the capital and 43 per cent across the UK as a whole. This is clearly unsustainable. 

“The Government risks sleepwalking through these issues with no meaningful progress on home building and incentives for landlords to engage in the sector with optimism.

“Like homebuyers, they too have a sizable upfront cost to overcome in the form of a rental deposit when looking to secure a roof over their head within the rental sector. For those who can overcome this initial obstacle, the continued cost of living and the escalating cost of rent itself is putting serious pressure on their financial stability.”

  • Billy the Fish

    "The Government risks sleepwalking through these issues with no meaningful progress"
    Edit - "All Govts for the last 40 years have sleep walked through these issues with no meaningful progress"
    Politicians are followers not leaders, it is all about public opinion and the vote. Real change comes from the bottom up so if you read this article and it annoys or upsets you, do something about it EG write to your local MP and express your opinion, it'd take 5 minutes of your life to go to csw . org, read the adv ice and find your MP's email. That'd be a start :)

  • David Fulcher

    To solve a problem you need to understand it, sensationalist figures like these are not a help. "As high as 53 and 43 % of income are clearly not an average or the article would say so and they would not pass referencing. Nor are they the highest as some renters have no income, rent being paid by the state. So how do these figures help, what actually are they? So you then have to question the food bank use figures and indeed the whole article.

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    • S S
    • 22 February 2024 09:59 AM

    Reverse the article and 9 of 10 renters do not use a food bank - not quite the sensational headline then. Also how many mortgage owners use food banks or are struggling.
    Renting is tough today BUT that has not happened overnight - long term policy needs to be determined without it being a political football and target stuck to. But with 16 housing ministers in 14 years, it is obviously not deemed to be important to this government.

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    Another advertorial for Zero Deposit.🤔

  • icon

    One in nine mortgage holders using food banks! Doesn’t quite have the same ring


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