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No scrapping fixed term tenancies - new appeal over Renters Reform Bill

Propertymark has emphasised the importance of retaining fixed term tenancies under the Renters Reform Bill.

Propertymark chief executive Nathan Emerson met Housing Minister Jacob Young MP, who has responsibility for the Bill.

Emerson says: “We had a very positive meeting with the Housing Minister who is absolutely engaging on all aspects of this important piece of legislation. 


“We know from member agents the importance of retaining fixed term tenancies as well as ensuring the reformed grounds for possession are robust and fit for purpose. 

“The road map for regulation and the landscape for how landlord redress will work in practice are also key concerns that we raised with the Minister on behalf of members. 

“We look forward to continuing to work with the UK Government to ensure the Renters Reform Bill delivers its aims, we reduce unintended consequences, and it works for everyone.”

Under the Bill fixed term tenancies, including assured and assured shorthold tenancies, will be abolished and replaced by periodic tenancies with a monthly rental period.

Propertymark has long argued that removing fixed term tenancies as an option will provide less security for tenants and reduce flexibility in the private rented sector. A fixed-term allows security of tenure for the tenant and a guarantee of rent payments for the landlord. 

For tenants with low income or poor credit history, the fixed term allows a guarantor to be confident about the length of time they are signing up to support them, a point the Minister highlighted he wanted to investigate. 

Furthermore, the student rental market relies on fixed-term agreements to facilitate the availability of properties in line with the academic year.

At the meeting Propertymark also highlighted the need for more mandatory grounds including breach of tenancy, deterioration of property and acquiring a tenancy by using a false statement as well as ensuring that any new requirements for landlords to belong to a redress scheme align with existing redress scheme requirements for letting and property agents.

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    Fixed term tenancies are vital to the survival of the private rental sector. I do hope the Government is listening.


    I don't understand your comment. Section 21 is how a landlord enforces a fixed term contract. If Section 21 is abolished there are no fixed term tenancies.. A landlord will only be able to regain their property using Section 8 provisions and 'contract has expired" is not one of those provisions! 😯

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    Ales no difference, when labour get in everything changes


    IF Labour get in. Nothing is guaranteed. They face challenges from their muslim supporters. The tories face the challenge of REFORM and the LimpDumbs, well the less said about them, the better.


    Labour may leave the legislation alone. There may be a bigger problem if the RRB falls. However as the RRB currently stands, I can't envisage anything worse.


    @ Ellie, the Flame haired one, the one who cannot decided which house she lives in, has pledged to abolish S21 on day 1. She has not pronounced on fixed terms as yet.


    That's quite true, AL.

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    She probably will forget if she can’t remember where she lives

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    I have 2 rental properties in a student area. It's only ever students that look at them. The end to fix terms would cause me to be in a huge amount of debt. If a student left after one month I'd have to wait until the following year for a the new tenant. That'd be me out!


    Yep, the unintended consequences of abolishing fixed term has not been thought thru.
    However, reform is necessary. Periodic tenancies should be at least 6 months or better 12. It is unfair that a tenant left on a periodic tenancy for years by their landlord can get two months notice. And I agree with tenants being able to resign fixed term contracts early.. Relationships break down and finniciak circumstances can change. I think after six months, two months notice is OK but I can see and appreciate your special circumstances.


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