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KEYWORD "Right to Buy" - 59 RESULTS
Labour’s Housing Policies - next five years start today

The biggest rental sector headline from Labour’s manifesto may well be its pledge for the “immediate” abolition of Section 21 eviction...

05 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Section 21 to be scrapped by Labour immediately

Labour’s manifesto, just released, makes a pledge to enact the “immediate” abolition of Section 21 eviction powers, along with other private...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Proposed Capital Gains Tax rise would hit rental sector

A political party has proposed that Capital Gains Tax be equalised with Income Tax - meaning landlords and investors who sold...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents Distinctly Underwhelmed by Tories’ manifesto pledges

Agents, and others in the lettings industry, have given a sceptical response to the Conservative manifesto and its varied pledges about...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Councils ‘must take over ex-private rental Right To Buy flats’

A pro-tenant group wants the next government to take Right To Buy properties back to public ownership when they come up...

05 June 2024

From: Breaking News

New Rental Crisis - big rise in countryside lets as rural house prices soar

England’s county councils want the next government to set out a long-term plan for housing, as a new report claims there’s...

25 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Tory ex-housing minister quits, claiming he was a success

A former housing minister responsible for the sell off of huge numbers of social homes has told the Prime Minister he...

18 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy cash ‘stolen’ by government will worsen rental crisis

An umbrella group called London Councils has expressed “extreme concern” at the government’s decision to stop letting local authorities keep money...

13 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter lobbies politicians with ‘rental plan to end homelessness’

Shelter is calling for the construction of 90,000 rental properties each year for a decade - and it claims this would...

27 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Purplebricks boss slams Tories in unexpected attack

While most agents remain relatively tight lipped about party politics, the chief executive of Purplebricks has said the Tories should take...

13 February 2024

From: Breaking News

British Homes for British Workers - Experts, activists unite in opposition

Seventeen housing organisations have sent an open letter to the government rejecting its idea of prioritising British families when it comes...

30 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour will keep Right To Buy in England if it wins election

Labour says it will keep the controversal Right To Buy policy in England if it wins this year’s General Election. This is...

02 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour housing policies win strong public support as Tories lag behind

Independent polling gives Labour a big lead when it comes to its approach to housing policy. Detailed polling by the Ipsos pollster...

21 December 2023

From: Breaking News

Letting agents accused of “profiteering” rent rises

A new manifesto calling for rent controls and a raft of other measures is accusing the current rent rises of being...

06 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour must fund councils to buy private rental homes - expert’s call

A prominent housing journalist says Labour should fund councils to buy homes directly from private landlords to rapidly increase the size...

01 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Agent slams ‘pie in the sky’ idea for private tenant Right To Buy

A recent suggestion by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation charity, for government help to allow private tenants to buy their landlords’ homes,...

08 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Lettings chief slams latest Boris Johnson off-the-cuff housing idea

A prominent lettings Industry figure has slammed Boris Johnson’s latest housing market utterances, branding them “off the cuff” and likely to...

07 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Right To Buy extension plans criticised as “laughable … unworkable”

A selection of property industry figures have spoken out against the government’s latest proposals to extend Right To Buy to housing...

10 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Vote 2022 - today's elections could change course of rental reform

A leading lettings sector commentator believes today’s local elections may not directly change the private rental sector but could have a...

05 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency chief’s cautious welcome for extended Right To Buy

The head of a prominent brand in a fast-expanding lettings and sales agency group has given a cautious welcome to government...

04 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Shelter leads opposition to new tenant Right To Buy proposal

Shelter has made an outspoken attack on a government proposal to extend Right To Buy to housing association tenants. The idea -...

03 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Should holiday lets be restricted to buyers with long-term local links?

The activist group Acorn is lobbying a local council to deny people the right to buy a second home or let...

25 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Shock as lettings PropTech firm backs Labour call for rent freeze

A PropTech supplier to the lettings industry that has just signed a deal with OnTheMarket has come out in support of...

11 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Discrimination against tenants on benefits is fault of government - new report

A leading trade body says the rental sector must not discriminate against tenants on benefits - and has told government it...

25 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Council may purchase Right To Buy homes and then let to tenants

It’s been reported that a London council is considering spending £10m on purchasing 25 former council homes it previously sold off...

25 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Five agents kicked out of Ombudsman scheme after disputes

The Property Ombudsman has expelled five agencies, mostly for failures to honour awards: four of them are lettings operations and one...

21 February 2020

From: Breaking News

Tenant’s secret buy to lets land him with a suspended sentence

A London council tenant who for a period of seven years failed to disclose that he owned three houses, has been...

29 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Mandatory licensing, long tenancies, rent controls advocated by LibDems

The Liberal Democrats is the first of the major parties to release its party manifesto for the December 12 manifesto, and...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour ditches Right To Buy for private tenants

Labour has dropped its controversial policy under which private tenants would have been able to buy their homes at a discount. Press...

18 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour tones down Right To Buy proposal for private rental tenants

Labour’s controversial proposal to oblige landlords to sell their buy to let properties to tenants who wished to purchase them, unveiled...

06 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Further criticism of Labour's controversial Right to Buy plans

A group of landlords in the North East are the latest to criticise Labour's plans to introduce a Right to Buy...

04 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Blow to Labour Right To Buy plan - most tenants don’t want to own

The majority of the UK’s private renters don’t want to purchase a home according to new research, coming just as the...

24 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour’s controversial right to buy could work, if landlords benefit too

A leading PropTech chief says there is nothing inherently wrong with private tenants being given the right to buy their property,...

23 September 2019

From: Breaking News

We want ‘sensible’ rent controls says Labour Party think thank

A Labour think tank considered on the right wing of the party says it wants rent controls that make a difference...

17 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour’s buy to let sell-off could lose landlords over £18,000 each

More details have emerged about Labour’s controversial proposal to allow private rental tenants that right to buy their landlord’s property, at...

09 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour Right To Buy policy dismissed as “damaging and distorted”

As the row over Labour’s proposal rumbles on the think tank Centre for Policy Studies - which has previously argued that...

05 September 2019

From: Breaking News

ARLA joins criticism of Labour’s private tenant right to buy policy

The Association of Residential Lettings Agents appears to have joined the chorus of criticism against Labour’s controversial right to buy policy...

04 September 2019

From: Breaking News

It’s War: Tories and lettings chiefs tear into Labour Right To Buy plans

There’s been a fierce outcry from Conservative MPs and the lettings industry in response to Labour’s threat to give private rental...

03 September 2019

From: Breaking News

Shock Labour proposal for private tenants to have ‘right to buy’

Labour has this morning pledged to introduce a shock new policy if it wins the next general election - giving private...

02 September 2019

From: Breaking News

 Snoopers’ Charter - people urged to inform about ‘illegal lettings’

A local authority has written to purchasers of former council houses and apartments warning them against illegally letting them out -...

30 April 2019

From: Breaking News

Rental flat repossessed after being converted into illegal HMO

A buy to let investor has lost possession of his flat after converting it into an Illegal House in Multiple Occupation...

22 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour outrage at councils renting back privately-owned Right To Buy homes

The Labour party has expressed outrage at the news that London councils are spending over £22m each year renting back homes...

21 January 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour pledges 'living rent' at one third of local average income or less

Labour insists that if it forms the next government it will introduce ‘living rents’ in a new range of affordable homes...

23 April 2018

From: Breaking News

Specialist lender lowers rates and aims to help accidental landlords

Specialist lender Together has lowered interest rates across a range of products including right to buy - and it’s making a...

27 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Another call on government for leaseholders to get fair treatment

It is 50 years since the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 became law and now a firm speciaising in enfranchisement extension wants the government...

27 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Council sets up Right To Invest as alternative to Right To Buy

A London council has set up a system to allow council tenants to buy into a shared ownership scheme which it...

20 October 2016

From: Breaking News

Right wing group backs Corbyn's private sector Right To Buy idea

It started off as an idea from Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign to become Labour leader but today it’s being backed by a...

13 June 2016

From: Breaking News

Trade union wades into row over privately-let ex-council flats

The Right To Buy policy “has turned into a rich harvest for the greedy elite” according to a trades union. The GMB...

16 February 2016

From: Breaking News

MPs worried that 40% of Right To Buy units end up being privately let

A group of MPs is raising concerns about a claim that 40 per cent of homes sold through the Right To...

12 February 2016

From: Breaking News

Osborne's property industry Autumn Statement announcements

- From April 2016 buy to let landlords and people buying second or holiday homes will have to pay an additional...

26 November 2015

From: Breaking News

Big majority for Right To Buy compromise as government response awaited

There is reported to be a substantial majority amongst housing associations for the compromise deal over the government's controversial Right To...

06 October 2015

From: Breaking News

London housing associations backing Right To Buy compromise

G15, the largest group of London housing associations, says its members unanimously back a controversial Right to Buy compromise proposal. Under the...

30 September 2015

From: Breaking News

Government waters down housing association Right To Buy

The government is watering down its controversial new Right To Buy policy, by giving housing associations one week to sign up...

25 September 2015

From: Breaking News

LibDems will try to block Right To Buy extension to housing associations

The Liberal Democrat party says it will use its members in the House of Lords to try to block the government's...

24 September 2015

From: Breaking News

38% of Right To Buy homes end up in private rental sector

Nearly 40 per cent of all homes sold under Right To Buy in England have gone on to become buy to...

17 August 2015

From: Breaking News

A new twist on the right to buy

Competition is hot among home buyers in my part of southern England to take ownership of properties that come onto the...

24 July 2015

From: Features

Private tenants should get Right To Buy says Labour leadership hopeful

One of four MP candidates standing for the Labour Party leadership says Right To Buy should be extended - to private...

26 June 2015

From: Breaking News

The spotlight on our sector will not diminish, despite the result of the election

I write this article on the day of the General Election so you’ll forgive the political analogies. In particular, how any...

08 May 2015

From: Features

Letter from the Publisher – What are the challenger parties saying about housing?

With another hung parliament looking increasingly likely, the so-called ‘challenger parties’ look set to have a major say in who forms...

23 April 2015

From: Features

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