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The next generation of renters has arrived. Are you ready to find them a home?

27 November 2019 30943 Views
The next generation of renters has arrived. Are you ready to find them a home?

You don’t need to go far for news about the UK lettings market. From the banning of tenant fees to proposed new changes from MPs, everyone wants to have their say on how to ‘fix’ lettings in the United Kingdom.

But is it even broken? Sensationalist headlines about rogue landlords make for a great read, but they don’t reflect the actual landscape. And no one knows the real story more so than letting agents, who are out there in the field every day.

Every day is a new mission to place pre-qualified, professional tenants with landlords - the perfect equilibrium. At Movebubble, we’re helping letting agents adapt to the requirements of modern-day tenants by connecting them to 450,000 renters.

Satisfy a landlords' need for minimal voids and a tenant who takes care of their home, and your status as letting agent of the year is secure.

The 21st-century renter has expectations that run deeper than merely ‘finding somewhere to live'. For them, renting is a lifestyle, and they want the best lifestyle available.

How people function on a day-to-day basis is seeing one of the biggest shifts in recent history. Instant gratification is now a requirement; not a desire. Convenience is key, from ordering a taxi with a quick click to having food delivered to your door - and it’s all happening in our pockets.

The lettings industry is no different. Renters expect their queries to be answered in minutes; not hours. They want to operate at times that suit them throughout the day; not a rigid 9-5 structure that limits itself to weekdays.

At Movebubble, we’re confident renters feel like this. We’ve just had a record-breaking quarter for new sign-ups to our app, which provides the tools for agents to connect with high-quality, modern-day renters - 24/7.

That doesn’t equate to a 1am viewing on a Friday. It does, however, provide a deeper level of communication that helps to build trust. And if high-quality renters trust their letting agent, landlords have even more reason to instruct you.

Movebubble lets your reputation speak for itself. Online reviews are becoming a vital part of customer service, and they can make or break a business. We champion letting agents by helping them master their craft and show that they care about renters.

Our platform helps you build your profile with local leaderboards that promote the hard yards you put it. We help agents find a crowd that lies away from the traditional marketing methods like canvassing, providing landlords with the best renters around - from Google to RBS employees. Landlords want good tenants, and they expect a reliable agent to find them.

Movebubble CEO, Aidan Rushby, explains: “The renter dynamic is changing. Today, the best-qualified renters want a premium service from letting agents, and Movebubble provides the tools to make that happen.

“Movebubble bridges the gap between letting agents and renters, providing greater access for all. Agents can find better-quality tenants for their landlords while showing their own worth in the process. As a result, landlords feel more confident instructing agents.

Driven by tech, we’re a platform that helps renters and letting agents foster better relationships - a result that sees landlords let to high-quality tenants. We’re doing it for the renters, which creates a happier climate for all involved.”

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