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Croydon Agent
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Croydon Agent
We used to let 80% of our property to applicants on benefits about 7-8 years ago, because the rent paid was level with market prices and was paid direct to us, plus the tenants were given the deposit and rent in advance by the Council. The only issue we had back then was the rent was paid 4 weekly rather than monthly, but most landlords were ok with this. This changed when, like Sarah above, we had a letter claiming back over payment for rent as the tenant was working but hadn't told us or the council, and of course it was ours/ the landlords fault. We passed this on to the landlord as we had paid it to him, he said he cant afford to pay it back and as the council had paid us direct, we had to pay back over £5000!!! Now with Universal credit, all benefits get paid direct to the tenant, and unfortunately, no landlord is willing to touch them because of the horror stories of tenants not paying the rent and the landlord having to wait until bailiffs turn up to kick them out. I know that is only less than 1% of tenants, but it is enough to put landlords off that rely on the rent money coming in regularly. The simplest and easiest way to encourage landlords to accept social tenants is for councils to pay the rent monthly, not 4 weekly, pay it direct to landlords and pay 6 weeks security deposit or even a bond confirming they will cover any losses the landlords occur, and crucially not claw money back from the landlords if the tenants is fraudulently claiming benefits . I believe landlords may even consider longer tenancies and slightly below market rent as, unlike employed tenants, there is no chance the council will lose their income and the landlord is guaranteed their rent.

From: Croydon Agent 22 August 2018 10:37 AM

Croydon Agent

From: Croydon Agent 29 February 2016 10:51 AM

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