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Suspended prison sentence for failing to have gas boiler safety-checked

A London landlord has been given an eight week suspended prison sentence after failing to have a gas boiler in a rental property checked by a suitably-qualified engineer.

Duran Akbulut of Kenton in London has received the sentence after magistrates heard he did not obtain the necessary safety certificate from the Gas Safe Register.

The boiler was in a property that was being let out to a tenant who raised concerns about a carbon monoxide leak; as a result the National Grid switched off the gas supply. 


The tenant made a complaint to the Health and Safety Executive, which brought the action against the landlord.

Akbulut has pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 36(3) of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and has given an eight week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. 

He has also been ordered to pay £80 victim surcharge and contribute £300 in costs to the HSE.

  • icon

    I think should go further.
    Really all properties should have CP12's,and smoke detectors,why should it be legal to gas your family,but not your tenants.
    What is more important,a EPC,which does not save lives,or making homes safe,like cars.
    It is like saying only rental cars need MOT!
    Why not?
    Should Housing Minister be held responsible for corporate homicide and imprisoned when cases occur,and he has not acted.


    could not agree more

  • jeremy clarke

    At last a sentence that comes close to fitting the bill. Fine should have been a lot higher but, I wouldn't mind a tenner on this guy re-offending and going down!!

  • icon

    Keith learn to write in good grammatical English before you put fingers to keyboard. Space after commas and it is AN EPC not a EPC. It is no wonder the profession of agency has such poor regard from the public when those dealing with their client’s biggest asset are not able to read or write properly.

  • icon

    The law is an ass suspended sentence....!!! this is a chance to send a clear message that life is precious he should have gone to prison.

    This is no deterrent for rouge landlords.


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