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The joy of pets denied to millions of renters, claims pet care firm

A pet care company claims that millions of private renters are being denied the benefits of pet ownership because of landlords and tenancy agreements.

Mars Petcare UK commissioned polling firm YouGov to speak with 1,007 tenants.

Apparently 64 per cent said they would like a pet but have delayed getting one because of tenancy restrictions; however, the same survey says 43 per cent of tenants had a pet-friendly rental policy allowing them to keep animals.


Asked if they would like to own a pet in future, 59 per cent said they would be keen to do so; 53 per cent said they would be likely to consider a longer tenancy if pet ownership was supported by their landlord.

Just under a third of those surveyed who do have a pet and have moved into a private rented property since June 1 last year said they had to pay additional costs or been subject to additional conditions in their contract.

The pet care company has won support from activists’ group Generation Rent.

Its campaigns manager Georgie Laming says: "Pets are a large part of making a house a home and whatever your tenure you should be able to keep a pet. Tenants with pets are more likely to want a stable, long term home, which benefits landlords in the long run. “Whilst we welcome the Secretary of State's commitment to updating the model tenancy agreement to make renting fairer for pet owners it's clear that further measures are needed to guarantee the rights of renters to own pets."

  • Paul Smithson

    Blame shelter or the government as we can’t increase the deposit, simple.

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    "Whilst we welcome the Secretary of State's commitment to updating the model tenancy agreement to make renting fairer for pet owners it's clear that further measures are needed to guarantee the rights of renters to own pets."

    What about the rights of Landlords to protect their property from pet damage? It's quite simple really - it's called a 'ring fenced' Pet Deposit lodged and held in the same way alongside the normal deposit. No damage, the deposit is returned in the same way as the nornal deposit.

  • Paul Smithson

    I’ll throughout legislation

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    As much as I understand the need of tenants to have a pet companion. There are more things to consider, my right as a landlord is been infringed for one. If I can't have control on whether I accept pets or not, then its a matter of time before being told to accept DSS tenants or any tenants. Also, the 5 weeks deposit does not cover any damages if the said pet causes any damages in my experience.

    If the government wants me to accept all these changes, then please make several changes to the BTL market.

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    Tenants seem think they don't have to fumigate the premises when they leave at the end of their tenancy. They all say, "may cat/dog doesn't have fleas" and yet their tenancy agreement states that they have to fumigate so it always causes friction at the end of tenancies of pet owners!


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