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Council seeks private rental sector help to ease waiting list problems

A local authority has set up what it calls The Private Sector Landlord service to try to harness some private property to accommodate those on the council housing waiting list until a permanent home can be sourced.

West Lothian council can offer guaranteed rental with the potential of no void rent loss periods for a minimum 12 month period. The rent will match the local housing allowance rate.

If the landlord or their agent, and West Lothian council, are happy with the property and service, the agreement can be rolled over for another 12 months.


Should the property require any repairs during the term of the tenancy then it will be reported to a council housing officer who will notify the landlord or agent to allow them to decide how to progress.

A deposit guarantee to the amount of two months' rent will be given to cover any discrepancies at the end of the tenancy, which are out with fair wear and tear.

Executive councillor for services for the community, George Paul, says: "As lockdown restrictions are gradually lifted this is an opportunity for a landlord to work with the local authority and help provide a home for people during this uncertain period all while ensuring they receive rent on their property for a minimum of 12 months."

  • icon

    'Should the property require any repairs during the term of the tenancy then it will be reported to a council housing officer who will notify the landlord or agent to allow them to decide how to progress.'

    Wow great. In other words, if there is £10,000 worth of damage the landlord will foot the bill. This is after having most likely having received less than the market rent. What a tempting proposal.


    About as tempting as thumbscrews!

  • PossessionFriendUK PossessionFriend

    Doesn't really compare to the North London's Council offer of £15 k to landlords - so would't expect many takers.
    The way Local and central Govt ( especially the Welsh debacle of 6 months Sec 8 Notice ) it won't be long before L.A's will really struggle to get anyone accommodated in the PRS.
    The time is a-coming.

  • icon
    • 24 July 2020 21:21 PM

    How will Welsh LL operate their businesses effectively with 6 month NTQ before eviction processes could occur.

    Just can't see how this can be viable.

    Well no way would I consider being a Welsh LL.

  • girish mehta

    The government, council and the justice system treat landlords like criminal. Their only crime who have worked hard invested their life savings in business , made sacrifice to better themselves and their families. The government, council and the justice system then to connive and steal it form them to give it to people who have no ambition or motivation in life. for free.
    Now the same people wants landlords to help them.
    let them find temporary accommodation and keep them there till the build council house and keep paying for their upkeep. yes its free, government will give it to me whatever I want because they want my vote and they cant upset me mind-set,
    let them figure it out or change the laws to make private rental sector work. need to take some powers off and council and invest in join collaboration with landlords no by issuing fines, and treating landlords as cash cows. There is enough legislation for councils and reduce duplicate powers
    make it simple and fines in the last resort.
    Need investment and cooperation from all sectors to go forward. create a just and fair system for all with right returns.


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