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Graham Awards


Mentoring milestone hit by industry charity

Agents Together, set up by Purplebricks founders the Bruce Brothers, has reached the milestone of arranging 800 mentorships.

Agents Together is a foundation launched just under three years ago, since which time it’s had over 31,000 hours of engagement and support to agents seeking asisstance. Mentorships are provided entirely free of charge.

In addition, the number of volunteer mentors now signed up to provide support and mentoring across the industry has reached 400. Many originally started off as mentees and have themselves now chosen to help others.  


Chief executive Sarah Edmundson says: “This support for the industry would not be possible if it wasn’t for the incredible work undertaken by the volunteer mentors and the dedication of our volunteer team of Founder Members, our relationship manager, Sam Offley, and our trustees and other supporters. I am humbled and grateful to, each and every one of those 400 plus individuals” 

Offley himself adds: “Making 800 mentorship matches is an incredible milestone to achieve and being able to help and match like-minded people across the country is a wonderful programme to be part of.

The mentorship programme invites applications from anyone in the industry who feels they would benefit from someone to talk to; someone to bounce ideas off, take inspiration from and be comforted by wise words and experience. 

Research into Mental Health in the workplace has been undertaken by the foundation and helps underpin its future plans. 

Anyone interested in finding out more can visit the website and can apply to be a Mentor or to be Mentored here: https://www.agentstogether.co.uk/full-mentoring/

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    Volunteer mentors are truly meaningful and useful jobs. Especially when they can use their knowledge and abilities to support others who are looking for support.

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    Mentoring normally means assisting someone on a career path. Purple Bricks has basically collapsed, destroying massive amounts of shareholders money. So what advice is being taught ?

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