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Tenants’ mental health hit by high rents - claim

A property firm is claiming that nearly half of the UK’s younger generation of renters stay up at night worrying about paying their rent or bills.

A survey of 2,000 tenants aged 20 to 40 suggests that nearly three-quarters are feeling stressed by the uncertainty of the rental market and another 71 per cent admit they don’t know how they will cope if their rent or bills increase. 

Nearly three in five - 57 per cent - believe their current rent and bills are not sustainable.


Since the cost of living crisis started, nearly half of the UK’s younger generation of renters have experienced a rent increase. The figure increased for 20 to 24-year-olds, with 57 per cent of this age group being approached by their landlord about rising rent, with the issue also impacting 56 per cent of Londoners aged 20 to 40. 

The research found that seven in 10 of those who saw a rent increase were unable to negotiate the amount.

The survey suggests that with rental prices and the general cost of living rising, many young renters have made cuts elsewhere in their budget. 

The research found that a fifth have cancelled their fitness subscription, and a third are reducing their spending on TV or cinema subscriptions. Londoners have made the most cuts, with more than four in 10 cancelling or reducing their fitness subscriptions.

Jermaine Browne - whose co-living firm ARK commissioned the survey - says: “With half of young UK renters experiencing a rent increase since the cost of living crisis started, it’s clear we need to provide more creative solutions to renters to protect them against predatory landlords and spiralling rent and utility costs. 

"Housing innovation has a long way to go to meet the needs of today’s renter. As an industry we must embrace bold new ideas to create alternative housing solutions that are more flexible, work for everyone, and safeguard renters.”

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    And landlord are not affected by all that’s been mentioned?
    Replace the word “rents for mortgages” and this article applies to everyone else in the country!

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    • A W
    • 09 February 2023 13:08 PM

    oh no... people are having to learn how to manage their money...why is this nonsense news?

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    This article was sponsored by Jermaine Browne & his co-living firm ARK. In other breaking news, the Pope is a Catholic. Most people, not just young renters, are having budget where their money goes.

    Whether you are a tenant, homeowner or landlord with a buy-to-let mortgage, prices on everything are rising. The sensible ones budget, others moan and whinge.

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    Back in the day people would get a second job to get through a temporary financial problem. It gets in the way of their social life now.

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    This is an advertorial for Ark!

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    • C S
    • 10 February 2023 09:57 AM

    What drivel. Its written as if those with mortgages aren't experiencing non negotiable increases and as if landlords aren't experiencing higher maintenance costs & mortgage increases of their own. It's called life, deal with it.


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