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KEYWORD "Manifesto" - 100 RESULTS
No details of Renters Rights Bill until October - expert

David Cox, the former chief executive of ARLA Propertymark and now a senior executive at Rightmove, says it’s unlikely we’ll see...

18 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Rights Bill promised by government in blizzard of new laws

A new Renters' Rights Bill is to be introduced into Parliament, it's been confirmed today. The announcement was made in the King's...

17 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Propertymark lukewarm on Labour housing reforms

Propertymark has struck a lukewarm tone in its response to Labour’s housing ambitions. The trade body says that to meet its manifesto...

10 July 2024

From: Breaking News

New Housing Secretary named by Sir Kier Starmer

Angela Rayner has been appointed Levelling Up Secretary with responsibility for housing - a role she has in addition to being...

05 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour’s Housing Policies - next five years start today

The biggest rental sector headline from Labour’s manifesto may well be its pledge for the “immediate” abolition of Section 21 eviction...

05 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Shock as agency demands Renters Reform Bill be passed ASAP

The Leaders Romans Group lettings agency chain is demanding that the new government elected tomorrow brings back the Renters Reform Bill...

03 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Election result already priced-in to housing market, says top analyst

The result of the election isn’t likely to be a gamechanger for the housing market, a prominent business consultancy says.  An analysis...

02 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Rightmove: Rental EPCs must be improved with government help

A huge survey involving analysis of over 14,000 properties suggests an urgent need for the next government to help private rental...

26 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Activist claims “horrendous exploitation” by “profiteering” letting agents

The deputy chief executive of an organisation funded by the Nationwide Foundation claims to have suffered “horrendous exploitation” at the hands...

25 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Bidding Wars - letting agents mostly to blame, says campaigner

A ban on so-called bidding wars, which Labour now proposes, would have to include letting agents as well as landlords a...

24 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Labour to ban bidding wars and high upfront rental payments

Labour has stepped up its programme clamping down on what it calls “unscrupulous landlords strangling growth.” Specifically this means ending bidding wars,...

20 June 2024

From: Breaking News

No explicit pledge to spread rent controls further in Scotland - SNP

The Scottish National Party, which as part of an alliance with the Greens introduced controversial rent controls in Scotland in 2022,...

20 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Renting Still Cheaper Than Buying with a 5% Deposit

Would-be buyers with a 5% deposit face paying £300 per month more in mortgage repayments than if they continued renting, says...

19 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Leasehold Reform Is Far From Over, Whoever Wins on July 4

Leasehold reform still has a long way to run, according to the Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners (ALEP). The major party manifestos...

17 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter backs Labour eviction and housing policies

Shelter has spoken out in favour of what it calls “bold” commitments by Labour on the private rental sector and house...

14 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Election and Lettings - free webinars explain what’s happening

Two webinars between now and General Election Day will seek to explain what the manifesto pledges mean for the lettings and...

14 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Section 21 to be scrapped by Labour immediately

Labour’s manifesto, just released, makes a pledge to enact the “immediate” abolition of Section 21 eviction powers, along with other private...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

RICS rings alarm bells over state of lettings market

The latest residential market survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is raising a red flag over what it calls...

13 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents Distinctly Underwhelmed by Tories’ manifesto pledges

Agents, and others in the lettings industry, have given a sceptical response to the Conservative manifesto and its varied pledges about...

12 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Word-for-Word - Conservative Rental and Housing Manifesto Pledges

The Conservatives have this afternoon set out a 78-page manifesto, of which just over two pages are given to housing and...

11 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents’ Election Briefing - free webinar update on industry issues

The future of the UK lettings market will be determined by the July 4 election and now PropTech player Reapit |...

11 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Councils ‘must take over ex-private rental Right To Buy flats’

A pro-tenant group wants the next government to take Right To Buy properties back to public ownership when they come up...

05 June 2024

From: Breaking News

Forget party policies - check interest rate movement

A prominent housing market analyst says people shouldn’t bother reading election literature but instead study interest rates if they want to...

30 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Ground Rents defended by investors’ group

The ongoing debate over ground rents within Government is rapidly becoming a Parliamentary farce that could soon lead to an economic...

01 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Gove hits back at critics after Renters Reform Bill wins key vote

Michael Gove’s Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities hit back overnight at critics of the government’s Renters Reform Bill. The Bill...

25 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Extraordinary 200 amendments to Renters Reform Bill in Commons today

There’s a huge number of amendments to the Renters Reform Bill, which has its Third Reading in the House of Commons...

24 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Agents Tell Politicians - Stop Arguing and Repair Private Renting

Political parties should stop bickering and instead work together to improve the private rental sector. That’s the view of the Lettings industry...

17 April 2024

From: Breaking News

Warning to Labour leader - no rent controls, yes to lower taxes

The new Labour leader in Wales, Vaughan Gething, has received an early shot across the bows from Propertymark. Gething was elected Welsh...

18 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Tory MP reported to bring Renters Reform Bill “to brink of collapse”

A national newspaper says the Renters Reform Bill is “on the brink of collapse” as Tory MPs are divided on their...

08 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill - MPs set to be bombarded by emails

A pressure group unhappy about lack of progress on the Renters Reform Bill wants MPs to be bombarded with complaint emails.  Over...

12 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Shelter threatens government after big rise in Section 21 evictions

Shelter is warning that the government’s failure to abolish Section 21 evictions will backfire and that “renters will remember who stood...

09 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Propertymark’s ringing endorsement for Material Information changes

Propertymark’s property auction division - NAVA - has given ringing endorsement to the Material Information changes demanded under new Trading Standards...

05 February 2024

From: Breaking News

Build To Rent trade body beefs up its top team

The UK Apartment Association - effectively a trade body for the Build To Rent sector - is beefing up its top...

05 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Letting agents accused of “profiteering” rent rises

A new manifesto calling for rent controls and a raft of other measures is accusing the current rent rises of being...

06 October 2023

From: Breaking News

RICS tells Tories - do more to improve supply of rental properties

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is launching its manifesto at this week’s Tory party conference - and improving the supply...

02 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Gove to be quizzed on Renters Reform Bill

Housing Secretary Michael Gove will address the main Conservative party Conference on Tuesday morning next week - but perhaps his most...

28 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls at heart of Shelter’s General Election manifesto

Shelter has published what it calls a General Election manifesto with rent controls at its heart. Called The Way Home: a manifesto to...

25 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Tory MPs blamed for delaying Renters Reform Bill

The Financial Times, using sources in the Parliamentary Conservative party, are blaming some Tory MPs for blocking the route of the...

18 September 2023

From: Breaking News

MPs back to work but Renters Reform Bill clarity still awaited

Parliament resumes today following its summer recess but there is still a lack of detail on aspects of the Renters Reform...

04 September 2023

From: Breaking News

Ousted Green Party still arguing for rent controls in key battleground

The Green Party - which ran the Brighton and Hove council until being swept from office in May’s local elections -...

25 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Control political coalition likely to stay until 2026

The political alliance between the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Greens is likely to stay in place until 2026. Arguably the...

16 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill published - full details

The pro-tenant anti-landlord Renters Reform Bill has at last been published by the government which first promised it in 2019. It has...

17 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Labour to allow councils to limit new build sales to first time buyers

A newspaper says Labour is seeking to woo renter voters by allowing councils to restrict new build homes to first time...

11 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill - everything we know so far

Housing Secretary Michael Gove says the long-awaited Renters Reform Bill, first promised in 2019, will finally be introduced into Parliament this...

09 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Section 24: Agents call for mortgage tax relief to be reinstated

A new survey of lettings agents and landlords has put the reinstatement of Section 24 mortgage tax relief at the top...

21 April 2023

From: Breaking News

PropTech ‘call to arms’ will demand urgent government action

PropTech supplier Goodlord this week launches what it calls “a manifesto” demanding government help for the lettings industry.  Few details of the...

17 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Reinstate Mortgage Interest Tax Relief - agents’ plea to government

Propertymark has told the government it should have three priorities for next month’s Budget. 1. Improving welfare system for vulnerable and low-waged...

02 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Improving rental sector EPCs will require cash - and plenty of it…

Propertymark wants to see more energy-efficient homes, but with realistic targets and incentives to act. In its submission to the government ahead...

31 January 2023

From: Breaking News

Buy To Let tax rise - agents angry at damage to rental sector

Letting agents in Scotland are angry at the Scottish Government for increasing the tax surcharge on buyers of buy to lets...

20 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax on buy to lets and second homes up to 6% - will rest of UK follow suit?

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax - the Scottish equivalent of stamp duty - has risen to six per cent for all...

16 December 2022

From: Breaking News

Sunak is new PM - here's what we know about his housing policies

Rishi Sunak has won the Conservative leadership campaign and is set to become Prime Minister tomorrow. Over the summer Sunak set out...

24 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Section 21 WILL be abolished says Truss in new U-turn

Prime Minister Liz Truss says Section 21 eviction powers WILL be scrapped after all. She made the explicit commitment at Prime Minister’s...

12 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Agency boss condemns political party for “punitive” attack on rental sector

One of the UK’s largest lettings groups has made an outspoken attack on the policies of a political party standing in...

27 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Minister Madness! Industry supplier hits out at politicians

A prominent industry supplier has hit out at what he calls “the merry go round of housing ministers” following yet another...

22 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls Now! Major newspaper backs activists’ campaign

One of the country’s major regional newspapers has launched a campaign for the urgent introduction of rent controls. The Bristol Evening Post,...

08 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Control momentum building rapidly across UK

Politicians across the UK appear to be growing more vocal in their support for rent controls. The Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru...

17 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Government delays Rental Reform White Paper until 2022

The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities says the long-awaited Rental Reform White Paper will now not be published until...

29 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Rent controls - agents warn politicians against hasty change

ARLA Propertymark has voiced its concern over rent controls to a politicians who is leading the charge to introduce them to...

03 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Deal to introduce rent controls “ill thought out” say agents

The deal to introduce rent controls in Scotland - the result of a deal between two parties in the Scottish Parliament...

27 August 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour and Generation Rent join forces again for rent controls

The Generation Rent campaign group and Labour are again uniting to argue in favour of rent controls in London. Just last week...

15 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Indefinite Tenancies is key demand in campaigners’ reform manifesto

Campaign group Generation Rent has set out a 10-point plan for reform of the private rental sector in favour of tenants. Its...

27 May 2021

From: Breaking News

Top Labour figure plans expanded ‘ethical lettings agency’ concept

Greater Manchester’s Labour Mayor, Andy Burnham, says he wants to clamp down on the private rental sector. In his manifesto for next month’s...

19 April 2021

From: Breaking News

Labour in Commons onslaught about Coronavirus evictions 

Two Labour MPs have made extensive claims about the number of evictions from the private rental sector likely to happen if...

15 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Section 21 Abolition - Labour offers to work with Tories

Labour housing spokesperson Thangam Debbonaire has released details of a letter seeking further clarity and commitments on the rental sector eviction...

06 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Pro-Rent Controls group claims 4,000 members in London alone

An organisation that wants rent controls, the scrapping of Section 21 and what it calls “indefinite tenancies” claims to have 4,000...

16 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill pushed into the long grass?

It appears that the Renters Reform Bill - a key measure in the 2019 Conservative General Election manifesto - has been...

25 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Councils and Labour add to calls to scrap Section 21 eviction powers

The Local Government Association, which represents almost all councils in England, is calling on the government to scrap section 21. The call comes...

30 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Tenants shouldn’t always pay their own removal costs - commission

A commission investigating affordable homes in the UK has called for annual private sector rent increases to be limited to a...

05 May 2020

From: Breaking News

Steve Rad, Managing Director at InventoryBase

Who are you and what is your role within the company? Steve Rad, Managing Director What is ‘company name’ and what does it...

30 January 2020

From: 60 Second Interview

Labour group says move to end pet ban doesn’t go far enough

A ginger group that supports the Labour party says the government’s bid to stop pet bans is meaningless and does not...

08 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents can beat S21 ban by working harder to avoid evictions - claim

Letting agents can beat the upcoming ban on Section 21 by updating key documentation and automating arrears management to reduce the...

31 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Lifetime Deposits: ARLA sets out demands for safeguards

The Association of Residential Letting Agents has set out its demands should the governmental go ahead with proposals for lifetime deposits. In...

30 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Shelter and Generation Rent jump for joy at scrapping of Section 21

The government’s Queen’s Speech has confirmed what the industry has effectively been expecting for some months. There will be a new lifetime...

20 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories should adopt Labour housing policy, say anti-agent campaigners

Generation Rent, a campaign group that is consistently critical of lettings agencies and landlords, says a priority of the new government...

16 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Section 8 reform and new Housing Court 'should be early Johnson priorities'

The National Landlords’ Association says the new Conservative government must do two things in its early phase in office. The NLA, which...

16 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories must deliver pledge on repossession powers - trade group

A prominent industry trade group says the new government must honour its manifesto commitment to strengthen the right of “good landlords”...

16 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour policies “extreme, unrealistic, damaging” - trade body

Labour’s policies for the private rental sector are “too extreme ... unrealistic and will be hugely damaging to housing supply in...

27 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Cautious welcome for Tory pledge on landlords'  possession rights

A broad commitment to strengthen landlords’ rights has been made in the Conservative manifesto - and it’s been welcomed by a...

26 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tax credit idea for tenants whose rent is 30% or more of income

The Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru is pledging tax credits for private tenants whose rent and utilities bills add up to...

26 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour tax proposals 'final nail in the coffin of buy to let' - warning

Two specific elements of Labour’s tax proposals, outlined in its manifesto, could “drive a nail into the coffin of buy to...

25 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories’ Lifetime Deposits get backing from trade group and renters

The Conservatives’ new concept of a so-called Lifetime Deposit has been welcomed by the Residential Landlords Association.  Yesterday, Letting Agent Today revealed...

22 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Lifetime Rental Deposits backed by Tories as Labour revamps council housing

On the day that Labour launches its proposals to reform the private rental sector, the Tories have announced so-called Lifetime Rental...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Mandatory licensing, long tenancies, rent controls advocated by LibDems

The Liberal Democrats is the first of the major parties to release its party manifesto for the December 12 manifesto, and...

21 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Labour ditches Right To Buy for private tenants

Labour has dropped its controversial policy under which private tenants would have been able to buy their homes at a discount. Press...

18 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Don’t scrap licensing, streamline it says accreditation scheme

The safeagent accreditation scheme says the next government should not scrap landlord licensing as some trade groups have requested, but should...

12 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Conservatives likely to oppose rent controls in election manifesto

It looks likely that the Conservative party is set to formally oppose rent controls when it publishes its manifesto, probably in...

11 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Reform rental sector to favour tenants, charity tells next government

Citizens Advice wants the next government to radically alter the private rental sector in favour of tenants.  The charity’s 2019 election manifesto,...

08 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Industry wants short-let controls, review of landlord tax and stamp duty eased

The Association of Residential Letting Agents and the National Association of Estate Agents have issued their manifesto for next month’s General...

05 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Cut the red tape! Huge rise in laws governing private renting

One of the industry’s leading trade bodies has revealed that the number of laws creating an obligation on landlords in the...

04 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tenant activists demand rent controls and Section 21 scrapped

A collective of activist renter groups has set out a manifesto of what it wants from the winner of next month’s...

04 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Tories - you have been warned, says lettings trade group

One of the industry’s leading trade groups has repeated a warning to the Conservatives that they cannot rely on the votes...

01 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Scrap stamp duty on buy to let! Trade body sets Election demand

One of the leading lettings sector trade bodies has unveiled what it describes as “a positive vision for the private rented...

31 October 2019

From: Breaking News

Vote for the Private Rental Sector! Manifesto launched by letting agents' chief

With the country in febrile election mode, it’s perhaps unsurprising that the Association of Residential Letting Agents has got in on...

30 August 2019

From: Breaking News

London Mayor told: Introduce deluded rent controls and you'll lose votes

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been told by a lettings industry body that he’ll lose votes if he introduces rent controls...

19 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Letting fees ban confirmed by Queen's Speech

The Queen’s Speech, outlining the government’s proposals for the next two years, has confirmed a pledge to introduce a ban on...

21 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Make independent inventories mandatory, government urged

A trade body wants independent inventories to become mandatory across the lettings sector - and it pledges to mount a campaign...

20 June 2017

From: Breaking News

'Fit for human habitation' amendment may be reconsidered after London fire

A proposed amendment to the government's Housing and Planning Bill which suggests landlords are required to make homes 'fit for human...

15 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Fees ban - Corporate agents and ARLA make last-ditch plea

A string of corporate letting agencies plus ARLA Propertymark have again called on the government to reconsider its proposed ban on agents’...

02 June 2017

From: Breaking News

Has Theresa May become an ally of 'hard-pressed renters'? asks Shelter

In a blog which appears - perhaps surprisingly - to be supportive of Theresa May’s General Election manifesto, campaigning charity Shelter...

26 May 2017

From: Breaking News

Lib Dems want rent and deposit caps as well as  agents' fees ban

The Liberal Democrats want a raft of additional controls on the private rented sector aimed at addressing what it describes as...

18 May 2017

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal