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KEYWORD "Welsh Government" - 100 RESULTS
Concern over Rental White Paper after latest political resignation

The resignation of Labour’s First Minister of Wales has raised alarm with Propertymark. Vaughan Gething quit yesterday after the Welsh Housing Secretary...

17 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Housing Secretary move directly led to senior Labour resignation

The Housing Secretary in the Welsh Government, Julie James, was one of several ministers to quit in yesterday's dramatic day of...

17 July 2024

From: Breaking News

Hate Crime - Anti-Second Home Posters reported to police

Anti-second home posters seen in parts of North Wales and on social media have been reported to the police as a...

16 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Airbnbs may need Planning Consent in key tourist location

A council claims it’s reached an important stage in the process of deciding whether to implement the Article 4 Direction power...

14 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Tory says councils lose out by levying second home taxes

A politician is claiming that second home council tax premiums, where owners pay up to double the normal rate, is resulting...

01 May 2024

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls - we’re unlikely to follow Scotland, says housing chief

The Housing Secretary in Wales says that nation is unlikely to follow the example of Scotland by introducing rent controls. At a...

30 April 2024

From: Breaking News

No Rent Controls! Propertymark’s plea to leading politician

Propertymark has issued a no-holds-barred plea to the politician who has been named as the new housing minister in Wales -...

28 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Warning to Labour leader - no rent controls, yes to lower taxes

The new Labour leader in Wales, Vaughan Gething, has received an early shot across the bows from Propertymark. Gething was elected Welsh...

18 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Council buys private homes to let to families on waiting list

Caerphilly council in Wales has bought privately owned properties to provide housing for families who would otherwise find themselves in temporary...

01 March 2024

From: Breaking News

Propertymark wants additional health and safety cladding measures

The letting agents’ trade body Propertymark says one of the UK governments should go further in ensuring the safety of tenants...

17 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Mandatory Short Lets registration scheme to be introduced

A mandatory short lets registration and licensing scheme is to be introduced in part of the UK, described as a system...

11 January 2024

From: Breaking News

Eviction ban not part of government plans to counter homelessness

The prospect of a long-term eviction ban appears to have been lifted in one part of the UK. The Welsh Government is...

22 November 2023

From: Breaking News

New survey to help politicians make rental policy

The Welsh Housing Minister has committed to a Housing Survey to assist its policies for the private rental sector. Propertymark has been...

27 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Control threat - agents warn politicians not to meddle with market

Propertymark has issued a statement warning politicians not to introduce rent controls by the backdoor through processes which tinker with the...

18 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents call for root and branch housing court reform

Propertymark says it hopes that a Welsh Government White Paper proposing that nine devolved housing tribunals are consolidated into a single...

04 October 2023

From: Breaking News

Hate campaign launched against Airbnb

A hate campaign against AirBnb appears to have been launched in a Welsh village. Newspaper reports say a sticker reading 'Death to...

15 August 2023

From: Breaking News

Council Tax premium 'not enough to return homes to rental sector'

Council tax premiums being considered in Wales would be insufficient to persuade short let and holiday home owners to move their...

31 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Strict Airbnb regulation gets a massive thumbs-down

An attempt to introducing statutory licensing for Airbnbs and some other tourist accommodation has got a frosty reception. The Welsh Government -...

10 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Renters Reform Bill measures may be extended - BBC report

The BBC says discussions are underway to extend the Renters Reform Bill to specifically outlaw any rental listing banning families and benefit recipients...

06 July 2023

From: Breaking News

Rent Controls - Agents asked for help building case against

The National Residential Landlords Association is looking for help from letting agents in building a case against rent controls. The association is...

15 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Fight Back Against Rent Controls - rallying call to agents

Two prominent trade bodies representing elements of the private rental sector are fighting back against the latest attempt to impose rent...

09 June 2023

From: Breaking News

Agents back carbon monoxide alarms in all residential properties

Propertymark is backing the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in all residential buildings in Wales. The Welsh Government is proposing to amend...

31 May 2023

From: Breaking News

Government move raises hope of cash help for energy improvements

One of the UK governments has backed a call for private landlords to get cash help to meet new Minimum Energy...

03 May 2023

From: Breaking News

New powers confirmed over holiday lets and second homes

New powers have been revealed to tackle what the Welsh Government calls the ‘problem’ of second homes.  A statement from the Senedd...

05 April 2023

From: Breaking News

Short Let registration fee must be reasonable insists Airbnb

Airbnb says any new rules for short lets in Wales should protect hosts and the benefits they bring to the tourism...

31 March 2023

From: Breaking News

New curbs on holiday lets are “inhumane” - claim

The latest restrictions imposed on holiday lets by a UK government are hurting local economies. The Welsh Government has confirmed there will...

07 March 2023

From: Breaking News

No blanket licensing required for short lets - Propertymark

Licensing for Airbnbs and similar short lets should be targeted in priority areas only and not the subject of blanket rules. That’s...

22 February 2023

From: Breaking News

Landlords can now lease property through a local council

A new scheme offering landlords the opportunity to lease property through a local authority has been launched.   Leasing Scheme Wales: Gwynedd gives...

16 November 2022

From: Breaking News

OnTheMarket PropTech ready for radical rental regulations reform

TecLet, the software platform business now rebranding as part of OnTheMarket Software, has been updated to accommodate radical changes to the...

27 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Civil servants and Trading Standards to brief agents on law change

Officials from the Welsh Government and the head of the National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agent team are to address...

21 October 2022

From: Breaking News

More politicians demand rent freeze and evictions ban

Welsh nationalists have called for a rent freeze and eviction ban to emulate that happening now in Scotland. Plaid Cymru, the party...

07 October 2022

From: Breaking News

Fixed term tenancies MUST stay, industry tells government

A team of experts has released a report that responds to government reform plans - and it insists that if Section...

27 September 2022

From: Breaking News

What do you really think of Airbnb and other short lets?

Propertymark is calling on letting agents to share their thoughts and experiences on the impact of Airbnb and other short lets.  At...

06 September 2022

From: Breaking News

Private rental sector lacks incentives to hit Net Zero - agents

ARLA Propertymark says it’s a strong fan of New Zero ambitions but warns that the private rental sector needs incentives to...

31 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Tory call for rental regulations to be changed to boost supply

A prominent Welsh Conservative politician has called for a reform of the strict measures imposed on the private rental sector in...

12 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Airbnb threat to communities leads to ‘locals only’ policy idea

Agents are being dragged into a debate over whether locals should be given priority to rent or buy, as a result...

05 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Building Society slammed for mortgage ban on second homes

A building society which has taken the unprecedented step of stopping lending on second homes has been sharply criticised by a...

02 August 2022

From: Breaking News

Tenants at risk because of delay to rental reforms - claim

Renters are being placed at unnecessary risk due to a delay in reforms that would allegedly give them greater protection, it’s been...

22 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Propertymark group lobbying politicians ahead of rental reforms

Propertymark has set up a working group of experts, agents, landlords and stakeholders in response to radical reforms to the private...

18 July 2022

From: Breaking News

AirBnb attacks “buy to let speculators” after regulation threat

AirBnb says proposed changes to short let rules in Wales should be aimed at property speculators, not ordinary people. The Welsh Government...

08 July 2022

From: Breaking News

Backlash over wide-ranging holiday lets rules change

A tourism chief has likened new anti-holiday let regulations to those of a Stalinist dictatorship. Ashford Price, secretary of the Welsh Association...

23 June 2022

From: Breaking News

“What’s taking so long?” - Agents amazed at latest reform delay

Agents have reacted with amazement to the latest delay that the Labour-run Welsh Government has announced for its much-hyped rental reform. The...

01 June 2022

From: Breaking News

Millions in tax lost through lettings loophole - claim

Local and central government is losing out on millions of pounds of council tax income this year because of the business...

30 May 2022

From: Breaking News

Airbnb demands end to Section 21 and creation of landlord register

Airbnb, so often criticised for operating in the largely-unregulated short lets market, has called on the UK government to scrap Section...

22 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Tax on homes to let is ‘hard to implement, not cost effective’

Tax experts say that an attempt to levy higher purchase tax on holiday lets and second homes in one part of...

11 April 2022

From: Breaking News

Property Tax Hikes: Agents slam politicians for failing to understand effect

ARLA Propertymark has slammed politicians who appear to have ignored a public consultation and gone ahead with draconian changes affecting second...

08 March 2022

From: Breaking News

Rent Control momentum building rapidly across UK

Politicians across the UK appear to be growing more vocal in their support for rent controls. The Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru...

17 February 2022

From: Breaking News

Controlling Airbnb - England behind the curve, says Propertymark

Wales and Scotland are ahead of the game when it comes to limiting the impact of short term lets on the...

18 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Plea for tenants in arrears to contact their local council

A senior Welsh politicians has urged anyone who has fallen behind in paying rent because of the pandemic to contact their...

14 January 2022

From: Breaking News

Top Tory wants action at last on Arrears Tribunal proposal

A senior Conservative in Wales wants the Welsh Government to consider creating a housing tribunal in the light of rising tenant arrears. Janet Finch-Saunders,...

08 October 2021

From: Breaking News

Cut Us Some Slack! Politicians told to stop demonising letting agents

Propertymark is telling politicians to stop demonising letting agents and landlords. The unusualy bluntl message has come in response to the latest...

29 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Eviction Notice Rumpus - agents hint that politicians are out of touch

A statement from ARLA Propertymark has hinted that it believes politicians may be out of touch with the reality of how...

27 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Landlords hit back as Welsh Government extends notice periods again

Landlords in Wales have been told that rules giving tenants six months’ notice to vacate a property will remain in place...

24 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Pandemic delays review of tenant fees ban in Wales

The Welsh Government has revealed that it hasn’t had time to evaluate its tenant fee ban due to the pandemic. Tenant fees...

21 September 2021

From: Breaking News

Agents Beware: new property management safety issue on the horizon

A property consultancy says it’s identified the next ‘landmine’ in the building safety saga facing agents and landlords around the country. Mary-Anne...

01 September 2021

From: Breaking News

£10m arrears scheme launches to help Covid-hit renters

A new £10m scheme to help renters with Covid-related arrears has been launched in Wales.  Called the Tenancy Hardship Grant, and introduced...

21 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Dramatic reform likely for rental sector in Scotland - warning

There was much publicity this week for the efforts of the Welsh Government to deter the letting of second homes. Now it...

09 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Wales to clamp down on holiday lets and additional homes

Wales’ Labour-led administration is to announce a three-pronged approach to affordability issues - and it looks likely to involve a clampdown...

06 July 2021

From: Breaking News

Agents’ body backs controversial £10m tenant support scheme

ARLA Propertymark is backing a controversial scheme allocating £10m of taxpayers’ money to assist tenants with Covid-related arrears. The Tenancy Hardship Grant...

02 July 2021

From: Breaking News

£10m of taxpayers’ cash for tenants with Covid-related arrears

A new £10m grant will be introduced in part of the UK to help private rented tenants struggling to pay rent...

30 June 2021

From: Breaking News

Agent anger about latest extension of six month notice period

ARLA Propertymark says its disappointed over the latest extension to an eviction ban and the requirement for six months notice to tenants. The latest...

19 March 2021

From: Breaking News

“Hammer blow” to private rental sector as six months notice is permanent

A new law in Wales making it mandatory for a tenant to get six months notice for Section 21 evictions has...

25 February 2021

From: Breaking News

Eviction ban backed by loan scheme paid directly to agents in Wales

While the Westminster government has extended its version of the eviction ban in England until February 21, a longer ban -...

11 January 2021

From: Breaking News

Pressure now on Sunak to raise stamp duty on buy to lets - claim

A leading property law expert says there is now pressure on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to raise stamp duty on buy to...

30 December 2020

From: Breaking News

Anti-second homes campaigners win talks with top politician

Councillors from a town council in Wales are to be given an audience with the country’s First Minister to discuss the...

24 November 2020

From: Breaking News

Politicians should be better informed on rental policy - ARLA

ARLA Propertymark is backing a cross-industry call for more information to be provided to politicians who go on to make housing...

21 October 2020

From: Breaking News

 Viewings banned, moves halted, no on-site surveys - Wales lockdown

The Welsh government has given details of the rentals and sales house moving process during the 16 day lockdown beginning 6pm on Friday...

20 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Move to compulsorily purchase empty houses to provide rental units

The Welsh Government wants to reform compulsory purchase powers - meaning any landlord with a long-term empty property in the region...

20 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents welcome first-ever financial scheme helping tenants

ARLA Propertymark has welcomed the creation of a financial lifeline for tenants in Wales in arrears because of Coronavirus.  The association has...

08 October 2020

From: Breaking News

Industry veteran and regulation expert is new ARLA president

The ARLA Propertymark president for the year ahead is a long-standing board member with significant experience in regulation. Angela Davey succeeds Phil...

03 September 2020

From: Breaking News

Agents can refer struggling tenants to independent advice helpline

Letting agents and landlords in Wales can now direct struggling tenants to a new independent advice service. The Private Rented Sector Helpline...

03 September 2020

From: Breaking News

 Labour and LibDems claim evictions may cause ‘homelessness wave’

A group of Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs have together claimed that England could witness "a new wave of homelessness" when...

18 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Generation Rent returns to warpath over eviction fears

The campaigning pressure group Generation Rent has returned to the battle to win an extension to the current evictions ban in...

17 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Arrears: Loans for tenants with debts because of Covid

The Welsh Government has launched a new Tenancy Saver Loans scheme to allow tenants to borrow to pay off arrears built up...

12 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Top politician wants rethink of six month possession period

A leading politician is calling for a rethink of the six month possession period which has been imposed in Wales. Mark Isherwood,...

07 August 2020

From: Breaking News

Evictions latest: SIX months notice required in Wales

The Welsh Government has temporarily increased the notice period landlords must provide from three months to six months to end Assured...

24 July 2020

From: Breaking News

It’s not over yet - new guidance for agents in still-restricted Wales

While England’s housing market is almost fully operational, within social distancing guidelines, there are still some restrictions in Wales. Now the Welsh...

09 July 2020

From: Breaking News

Welsh lockdown review today may see lettings market re-open

The next formal review of lockdown processes in Wales takes place today, with high expectation that the housing market is likely...

18 June 2020

From: Breaking News

Shock for agents as politicians consider six month notice period

Agents have come out fighting against a proposal being considered in one part of the UK to triple the time to...

13 February 2020

From: Breaking News

New carbon monoxide lettings rules set to be adopted by Assembly

The Welsh Government says new regulations are to be introduced to combat carbon monoxide poisoning. The regulations will require landlords and their...

14 January 2020

From: Breaking News

Lobbying works - ARLA wins 11-week delay in Welsh deposits change

Lobbying government can work, at least in some circumstances, as the Association of Residential Lettings Agents has seen in Wales.  Letting agents...

11 December 2019

From: Breaking News

Fees Ban: Welsh Government to clarify default payments

The Welsh Government says it’s going to issue clarifications to some issues before the end of this year; if agreed by...

13 November 2019

From: Breaking News

Final Reminder - Fees Ban comes into effect in Wales on Sunday

The Renting Homes (Fees etc.) (Wales) Act - which bans fees levied by agents and landlords on tenants - comes into...

30 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Stand by for fees ban confusion - trade bodies speak out

The Association of Residential Letting Agents and the National Landlords Association have spoken out about the complexity of the fees ban...

27 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Agent become first in Wales to scrap fees levied on tenants

A Cardiff lettings agent claims to have become the first in Wales to stop charging fees to new and existing tenants. CPS...

07 August 2019

From: Breaking News

Latest Build To Rent scheme will be the country’s largest yet

Legal & General has exchanged contracts to complete the largest privately funded development in Wales, Cardiff Central Square, which will include...

31 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Latest consultation begins on so-called ‘no fault evictions’

The Welsh Government has started a formal consultation on proposals that include extending the minimum notice period applicable to a section...

15 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Revealed: plans to introduce 'scandalous' 12-month tenancy contracts

The Welsh government is planning to make changes to the notice period for eviction which would see tenants given 12-month contracts...

09 July 2019

From: Breaking News

Incentives possible for private rental sector 'to house those most in need'

The private rental sector in Wales could be offered incentives and other support to house those most in need, the Welsh...

03 December 2018

From: Breaking News

Bill giving tenants right to sue is set to take a step forward today

Today sees the Second Reading in the House of the Lords for the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill, promoted by...

23 November 2018

From: Breaking News

It won't work - industry hits out at latest fees ban proposal

The lettings industry has hit out at the Welsh Government’s proposals to ban agents’ fees levied on tenants. A Bill was put...

14 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Fees Ban gets closer in Wales - but it will still take many months

A Bill which is likely to end up banning letting agents’ fees levied on tenants in Wales has been introduced into...

13 June 2018

From: Breaking News

Trade body unveils seven-point plan for future of private renting

The National Landlords Association has revealed a seven-point plan which would allow the Welsh Government greater powers over the private rental...

16 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Letting agents' fees ban looks set to be implemented soon in Wales

The Welsh Government’s housing minister has tweeted that the results of a formal consultation process on a ban on agents’ fees...

01 March 2018

From: Breaking News

Fees ban confirmed by Welsh government with more details in 2018

The Welsh Government has confirmed that the country will ban letting agents’ fees levied on tenants - the same ban still...

06 December 2017

From: Breaking News

Council sets up lettings agency - and pays landlords £1,200 to join

A Welsh local authority is offering a cash payment of up to £1,200 to landlords who join a quasi-letting agency run...

14 November 2017

From: Breaking News

Cabinet minister urges UK-wide action against lettings agents' fees

The Secretary of State for Wales has called on the Welsh Government to take measures against what he calls “unjust fees...

19 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Consultation launched on 'Fitness for Human Habitation' rental rules

The Welsh Government has launched a consultation on draft regulations and guidance to implement the Fitness for Human Habitation requirements for...

18 October 2017

From: Breaking News

Agents told they can minimise impact of fees ban - if they act now

Letting agents are being warned that they can minimise the impact of the fees ban levied on tenants by being proactive...

27 September 2017

From: Breaking News

Fees ban: agents can offset losses by streamlining processes

Letting agents across the UK must prepare now for a ban on fees charged to tenants says a PropTech company -...

13 September 2017

From: Breaking News

MovePal MovePal MovePal